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Sports Club

A great way to keep fit

Beautifully maintained by the Club Committee

A great way to keep fit
Alongside the many beautiful paths for running and walking along - and the country lanes for keen cyclists - Scaldwell is very fortunate to have two very well-maintained tennis courts in Holcot Lane. The Sports Club Committee members are:
Margaret Vinton (Chair)
Rob Thorne (Vice Chair)
Sue Dodds-Smith (Treasurer and Secretary)
Michelle Wharton
Dudley Cross
Richard Gent
Annual membership is priced very reasonably at:
Family membership £30
Single membership £25
Non-village membership £40
Membership subscriptions are due on the 1st May and should be forwarded to Sue Dodds-Smith, The Old Barn, High Street, Scaldwell, NN6 9JS
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